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  • Velodyne(威力登)DD15低音炮

    http://www.spszg.com/ 來源:索蘭影音 關鍵詞:威力登 80-DDP15BGE 低音炮

    威力登 80-DDP15BGE 低音炮

    Digital DrivePLUS Series: The New Industry Benchmark In Low Distortion Bass


    The Digital DrivePLUS 15 (DD-15+) brings incredible power and accuracy to the most challenging musical and home theater applications. Deftly reproducing everything from delicate symphonies to thundering battle scenes at less than 1/2 % distortion, this sub is as powerful and tight as it is beautiful. The DD-15+ is ideal for large listening rooms and a wide range of applications; 8-band Auto-EQPLUS optimizes output for your listening space, while remote-control listening presets let you switch from home theater settings to incredibly musical bass with the touch of a button.


    If you want to fill a large listening space and demand the very best performance for a wide range of applications, the DD-15+ is ideal for your needs.




    • One-Touch Auto-EQPLUS automates the seamless blend of subwoofer, system and room

    • Use your PC for manual adjustments and real time feedback of your bass performance

    • The industry's lowest distortion bass—under .5%

    • Sophisticated cone design for fast, accurate motion

    • Six-layer, custom wound voice coil assures better heat dissipation

    • Massive motor structure for amazing low-frequency energy


    Length No
    Accessories Remote Control, Digital Drive Plus Accessory Kit, Video Cable
    Amplifier 3000 watts Dynamic, 1250 watts RMS Power
    Auto On/Off Yes
    Cabinet Design Sealed servo enclosure
    Dimensions: (H/W/D) 20" x 18.1" x 22.5"
    HiPass Crossover 80 or 100 Hz at 6 dB/octave
    LoPass Crossover 40 Hz to 199 Hz (variable in 1 Hz increments) selectable slope Default: 80 Hz @ 24 dB/Octave
    Phase Control 0, 180 Degrees
    Removable Grille Yes
    Shipping Weight 120 lbs. (55 kg)
    Voice Coil Six-layer, 75mm

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