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  • Velodyne(威力登)EQM10低音炮

    http://www.spszg.com/ 來源:索蘭影音 關鍵詞:威力登 EQM10BVE 低音炮

     威力登 EQM10BVE 低音炮

    EQ-Max Series: Digital Equalizing, Remote Controlled Subwoofers

    The EQ-Max series offers the ideal combination of technology and value. It delivers powerful low-end bass easily matched to any home entertainment system with our one-touch Auto-EQ. Our Embedded Digital Signal processing chips control all audio functions with digital precision that is unsurpassed in the price range. The DSP Distortion Limiting System assures maximum driver excursion and amplifier output, reproducing music and home theater with a fraction of the audible distortion found in competitive products, without sacrificing output or dynamics. The remote control lets you control all of the sub’s functions from the comfort of your favorite chair with visible feedback on the front panel 

    Length No
    Accessories Mic, mic stand, remote control
    Amplifier 390 watts Dynamic/195 watts RMS Power
    Auto On/Off Yes
    Cabinet Design Extended Excursion Down-firing port
    Color Black Ash Wood Grain
    Dimensions: (H/W/D) 16.75” x 15.25” x 17” (includes feet and grille) (42.5 x 38.7 x 43.1 cm)
    HiPass Crossover 80 Hz, 6 dB/octave
    LoPass Crossover 40 - 120 Hz adjustable (12 dB octave, 24 dB ultimate)
    Phase Control 0, 90, 180, 270 Degrees
    Removable Grille Yes
    Shipping Weight 55 lbs. (25 Kg)
    Voice Coil 2-Layer copper

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